The purpose of this publication is to introduce the reader to the attention-grabbing global of convex polytopes. The highlights of the e-book are 3 major theorems within the combinatorial concept of convex polytopes, often called the Dehn-Sommerville family, the higher certain Theorem and the reduce sure Theorem. the entire historical past info on convex units and convex polytopes that is m~eded to lower than stand and have fun with those 3 theorems is constructed intimately. This heritage fabric additionally varieties a foundation for learning different points of polytope idea. The Dehn-Sommerville family members are classical, while the proofs of the higher certain Theorem and the decrease sure Theorem are of newer date: they have been present in the early 1970's by way of P. McMullen and D. Barnette, respectively. A recognized conjecture of P. McMullen at the charac terization off-vectors of simplicial or uncomplicated polytopes dates from an identical interval; the e-book ends with a quick dialogue of this conjecture and a few of its kinfolk to the Dehn-Sommerville kinfolk, the higher sure Theorem and the reduce certain Theorem. even though, the hot proofs that McMullen's stipulations are either enough (L. J. Billera and C. W. Lee, 1980) and worthy (R. P. Stanley, 1980) transcend the scope of the publication. necessities for analyzing the e-book are modest: common linear algebra and undemanding element set topology in [R1d will suffice.
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