Download E-books Boundary Behavior of Holomorphic Functions of Several Complex Variables. (MN-11): (Mathematical Notes) by Elias M. Stein (2015-03-08) PDF

By Elias M. Stein

The 1st contribution describes simple strategies, proof and difficulties of the fashionable concept of complete capabilities of numerous complicated variables. the second one contribution bargains with analogies of easy Nevanlinna's theorems in regards to the distribution of values within the multidimensional case and diverse functions. The 3rd contribution is dedicated to invariant metrics and volumes and their functions in difficulties of functionality thought of a number of variables. The fourth contribution touches upon numerous effects in regards to the stress of holomorphic mappings of complicated areas beginnning with classical Liouville's and Picard's theorems. Contribution 5 offers effects bearing on extension of holomorphic mappings to the bounds of domain names, and effects approximately correspondence of limitations and equivalence of domain names with recognize to biholomorphic mappings. Contribution six dwells at the challenge of biholomorphic equivalence of manifolds during this differential geometric element. The final contribution reports functions of multidimensional complicated geometry in sleek actual theories - supergravitation and supergauge fields. This quantity may be beneficial to advanced analysts and physicists. it really is rounded off by way of an in depth bibliography.

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