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By Imre Bárány (auth.), Martin Grötschel, Gyula O. H. Katona, Gábor Sági (eds.)

Discrete arithmetic and theoretical computing device technology are heavily associated examine parts with robust affects on purposes and diverse different medical disciplines. either fields deeply go fertilize one another. one of many people who fairly contributed to development bridges among those and lots of different parts is László Lovász, a student whose notable clinical paintings has outlined and formed many learn instructions within the final forty years. a couple of acquaintances and associates, all most sensible professionals of their fields of craftsmanship and all invited plenary audio system at one among meetings in August 2008 in Hungary, either celebrating Lovász’s 60th birthday, have contributed their newest study papers to this quantity. This choice of articles deals a superb view at the country of combinatorics and comparable subject matters and should be of curiosity for knowledgeable experts in addition to younger researchers.

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