Download E-books Cogitations: A Study of the Cogito in Relation to the Philosophy of Logic and Language, and a Study of Them in Relation to the Cogito PDF

By Jerrold J. Katz

The cogito ergo sum of Descartes is among the best-known--and simplest--of all philosophical formulations, yet ever because it was once first propounded it has defied any formal accounting of its validity. How is it that so uncomplicated and critical a controversy has triggered such trouble and such philosophical controversy?

during this pioneering paintings, Jerrold Katz argues that the matter with the cogito lies the place it truly is least suspected--in a deficiency within the concept of language and good judgment that Cartesian students have delivered to the research of the cogito. Katz contends that the legislation of conventional common sense have distorted Descartes's reasoning in order that it now not suits both Descartes's personal account of the cogito in his writings or the function he assigns it in his venture. Katz proposes that the cogito could be understood to illustrate of "analytic entailment," an idea within the philosophy of language wherein an announcement could be a officially legitimate inference with no reckoning on a legislations of common sense. constructing and protecting his thesis, he exhibits us that by means of grappling with an historic philosophical challenge it truly is attainable to make an unique contribution to the improvement of up to date philosopy.

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