Download E-books Contact, Continuity, and Collapse: The Norse Colonization of the North Atlantic (Studies in the Early Middle Ages) PDF

This number of ten papers investigates the Norse colonization of the North Atlantic quarter, beginning with Viking enlargement in Arctic Norway and finishing with a dialogue of the longterm implications of medieval Scandinavian exploration of the hot global. every one bankruptcy presents a quick neighborhood synthesis of the archaeological proof and, the place acceptable, addresses 3 interrelated subject matters: the connection among local and newcomer; the production of neighborhood identities within the cost interval; the connection among archaeology, heritage and the development of contemporary nationwide identities. In series, the chapters specialize in North Norway, the Faeroes, Scotland, eire, Iceland, Greenland, the Inuits of Smith Sound, L'Anse aux Meadows and Vinland, including introductory and concluding chapters.

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