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By Roger S. Gottlieb

Parallels and contrasts values from international religions and people proposed through the environmental standpoint of deep ecology.

Bringing jointly 13 new essays at the vital dating among conventional international spirituality and the modern environmental standpoint of deep ecology, this landmark e-book explores parallels and contrasts among non secular values and people proposed by way of deep ecology. In interpreting how deep ecologists and a few of the non secular traditions can either research from and critique each other, the next traditions are thought of: indigenous cultures, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Judaism, Catholicism, Islam, Protestantism, Christian ecofeminism, and New Age spirituality.

"One of the main intriguing new advancements within the basic box of environmental stories is a discussion among faith and ecology. It additionally offers to be essentially the most efficacious, simply because virtually the one factor that may successfully withstand the juggernaut of amoral consumerism is an environmental ethic grounded in non secular trust. This quantity contributes to the hassle to increase an environmental consciousness--and conscience--from the conceptual assets of a number of global religions and indigenous traditions of proposal. The editors have right here assembled probably the most celebrated and authoritative voices during this well timed new area of discourse." -- J. Baird Callicott, writer of Beyond the Land Ethic: extra Essays in Environmental Philosophy

"Using the lens of deep ecology, the authors talk about values and practices of non secular traditions that have interaction deep ecology ideas, offering either critique and mirrored image that sharpen the dialog. those writers verify that how we deal with nature is an ethical query, calling for devoted engagement from a considerate and heartfelt position. encouraged through the expanding religious and moral sensibilities woke up via the eco-crisis, this ebook extends the decision to behave overtly, truthfully, seriously, contritely, intelligently, and joyously in exploring non secular reaction to the basic ethics of deep ecology." -- Stephanie Kaza, coeditor of Dharma Rain: assets of Buddhist Environmentalism

Contributors comprise Nawal Ammar, David Landis Barnhill, John E. Carroll, Christopher Key Chapple, John B. Cobb Jr., Roger S. Gottlieb, John A. Grim, Eric Katz, Jordan Paper, Rosemary Radford Ruether, Mary Evelyn Tucker, and Michael E. Zimmerman.

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