Download E-books Devils Tower--Black Hills Alkalic Igneous Rocks and General Geology: Blacks Hills, South Dakota to Bear Lodge Mountains, Wyoming July 1 - 7, 1989 (Field Trip Guidebooks) PDF

By Frank R. Karner

Published through the yank Geophysical Union as a part of the sector journey Guidebooks sequence, quantity 131.

Looming up as a dismal ridgeline at the western undeniable, paha sapa, the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming are a jewel of the USA, valuable by means of the local American, the white explorer, the frontiersman, the cowboy, the gold prospector, the miner, the camp follower, the settler, the businessman, the vacationer and in addition the geologist. background, folklore and legend are as conspicuous as outcrops for the geologist who travels the Black Hills. The Black Hills is a microcosm of geology.

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