Download E-books Geschichte Der Hethitischen Religion (Handbook of Oriental Studies/Handbuch Der Orientalistik) (Handbook of Oriental Studies: Section 1; The Near and Middle East) (German Edition) PDF

By Volkert Haas

"Geschichte der hethitischen faith" offers the 1st accomplished illustration of the spiritual heritage of the Hittites, utilizing either cuneiform and archaeological assets of the traditional close to East, as from the start of the Neolithic till the top of the period of the Hittite nice country round 1150 B.C. specified realization might be paid to historic close to japanese cosmologies, the Hittite Kingship and the area of the gods. The ebook will lead the reader from 'national' to nearby divinities and from 'types' of gods, neighborhood numina, divine attributes and logos to the cultic stock. a desirable perception in sacrificial practices, in myths and well known non secular customs renders the reader a complete review of the Hittite festive calendar. A ancient survey will provide the reader the basic reference.

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