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By Bruce Lincoln

It is tempting to treat the perpetrators of the September eleventh terrorist assaults as evil incarnate. yet their explanations, as Bruce Lincoln’s acclaimed Holy Terrors makes transparent, have been profoundly and very spiritual. therefore what we'd like after the occasions of Sept. 11, Lincoln argues, is bigger readability approximately what we take faith to be. 

Holy Terrors starts off with a gripping dissection of the handbook given to every of the September 11 hijackers. of their evocation of passages from the Quran, we find out how the terrorists justified acts of destruction and mass homicide “in the identify of God, the main merciful, the main compassionate.” Lincoln then bargains a provocative comparability of President Bush’s October 7, 2001 speech asserting U.S. army motion in Afghanistan along the videotaped speech published through Osama bin weighted down quite a few hours later. As Lincoln authoritatively demonstrates, a detailed research of the rhetoric utilized by leaders as assorted as George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden—as good as Mohamed Atta or even Jerry Falwell—betrays startling similarities. those commonalities have substantial implications for our realizing of faith and its interrelationships with politics and tradition in a postcolonial global, implications that Lincoln attracts out with ability and sensitivity. 

With a bankruptcy new to this version, “Theses on faith and Violence,” Holy Terrors continues to be one of many crucial books on September eleven and a vintage examine at the personality of religion.

“Modernity has ended two times: in its Marxist shape in 1989 Berlin, and in its liberal shape on September eleven, 2001. in an effort to comprehend such significant ancient adjustments we want either large-scale and concentrated analyses—a blend seldom to be present in one quantity. yet right here Bruce Lincoln . . . has given us simply one of these mixture of discrete and large-picture analysis.”—Stephen Healey, Christian Century

“From time to time there seems to be a piece . . . that serves to concentration the wide-ranging, usually contentious dialogue of religion’s value inside broader cultural dynamics. Bruce Lincoln’s Holy Terrors is one such textual content. . . . an individual nonetheless suffering towards a extra nuanced comprehension of Sep 11 could do good to spend time with this book.”—Theodore Pulcini, Middle East Journal

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