Download E-books Iterative Functional Equations (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications) PDF

By Marek Kuczma

A cohesive and finished account of the trendy idea of iterative practical equations. the various effects integrated have seemed sooner than in basic terms in study literature, making this an important quantity for all these operating in useful equations and in such parts as dynamical structures and chaos, to which the speculation is heavily comparable. The authors introduce the reader to the speculation after which discover the latest advancements and common effects. primary notions equivalent to the life and distinctiveness of options to the equations are under pressure all through, as are purposes of the speculation to such parts as branching procedures, differential equations, ergodic idea, useful research and geometry. different subject matters coated contain platforms of linear and nonlinear equations of finite and limitless ORD a number of functionality periods, conjugate and commutable features, linearization, iterative roots of services, and specified sensible equations.

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