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By Ravi Zacharias


In a global with such a lot of religions, why Jesus?

We live in a time if you can think whatever, so long as you do not claim it to be precise. within the identify of “tolerance,” our postmodern culture embraces every thing from japanese mysticism to New Age spirituality. yet as Ravi Zacharias issues out, such unquestioning attractiveness of all issues non secular is absurd. All religions, it appears that evidently and easily, can't be true.

Jesus between different Gods offers the solutions to the main primary claims about Christianity, such as:


  • Aren’t all religions essentially the same?
  • Was Jesus who He claimed to be?
  • Can one examine the lifetime of Christ and display conclusively that He was and is the best way, the reality, and the life?


In each one bankruptcy, Zacharias considers a different declare that Jesus made after which contrasts the fact of Jesus with the founders of Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism with compelling perception and passionate conviction. as well as a magnificent breadth of examining and examine, he stocks his own trip from melancholy and meaninglessness to his discovery that Jesus is who He stated He is.

In Jesus between different Gods, Ravi Zacharias demonstrates that he's essentially the most intellectually gifted as good as spiritually delicate writers of today’s top apologists for the Christian religion. Zacharias brings alive the original strength of the claims of Jesus approximately himself and the utter relevance of his message today for the human condition.”

 — David Aikman, writer of Great Souls



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