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Launches of a number of significant magnetospheric examine satellites (i.e., Polar, Wind, and Interball) set the scene for broad multi-platform investigations of the Earth's plasma surroundings within the period of the overseas Solar-Terrestrial Physics application. intriguing new effects from this application and the continuing cutting edge advances to medical instrumentation and spacecraft expertise are extremely important for the foreign house neighborhood in getting ready for destiny plans within the upcoming new millenium. This quantity is a manufactured from the COSPAR Colloquium held in Beijing on April 15-19, 1996 aimed to consolidate those achievements. It includes cutting-edge articles within the 4 components of recent magnetospheric options, particularly, (1) energetic test in house, (2) leading edge dimension process, (3) multi-point statement, and (4) numerical simulation and theoretical research. Researchers within the area neighborhood, either newcomers and specialists, are anticipated to learn from this selection of articles.

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