Download E-books Rivers of Life: Or Sources and Streams of the Faiths of Man in All Lands Showing the Evolution of Faiths from the Rudes Symbolisms to the Latest Spiritual development PDF

By J. G. R. Forlong

This is often the 1st reprint ever of this foundational paintings on religious evolution. This booklet is so scarce that copies promote quick at over a thousand funds if you happen to can locate one. Contained herein is the catalyst of all human mystical, non secular, and non secular inspiration that finally developed into the secret colleges, equivalent to Freemasonry, Theosophy and Rosicrucianism. Contents: Tree Worship; Serpent and Phallic Worship; fireplace Worship; sunlight Worship; Ancestor Worship; Early Faiths of Western Asia; Faiths of Western Aborigines in Europe and adjoining nations; Faiths of japanese Aborigines, Non-Aryan, Aryan and Shemitik. No different resource paintings describes during this tremendous aspect our nice religious historical past. Out-of-print for over a hundred years, now you have got the potential of embellishing your individual library with this very infrequent and illuminating publication.

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