Download E-books Selected Papers of J Robert Schrieffer in Celebration of His 70th Birthday (World Scientific Series in 20th Century Physics) PDF

By J R Schrieffer

This precious e-book is a variety of papers by means of theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate J Robert Schrieffer. as well as his Nobel Prize-winning paintings in superconductivity, Prof Schrieffer has made major contributions to a large choice of subject matters in condensed topic physics. those comprise the idea of soliton excitations in polyacetylene (a transparent instance of spin-charge separation in a condensed topic system), paramagnon thought, magnetic impurities, the physics of surfaces, high-Tc superconductivity, and the fractional quantum corridor effect.The papers are reviewed and positioned in context by way of prime specialists. The visitor individuals are A Alexandrov (on electrons and phonons), T Einstein (on surfaces, ) S Kivelson (on quantum corridor effect), D Scalapino (on the BCS concept of superconductivity), F Wilczek (on solitons and fractional quantum numbers), J W Wilkins (on magnetic impurities) and S C Zhang (on high-Tc superconductivity)

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