Download E-books Tectonic, Depositional, and Pleoecological History of Early Mesozoic Rift Basins, Eastern North America: Gulf, North Carolina, USA to Parrsboro, Nova ... 1989, Volume T351 (Field Trip Guidebooks) PDF

By Paul E. Olsen, Pamela J. W. Gore

Published by way of the yank Geophysical Union as a part of the sector journey Guidebooks sequence, quantity 351.

Eastern North the US contains the vintage Atlantic-type passive continental margin shaped via the breakup of the supercontinent of Pangaea. The Triassic initiation of the breakup used to be marked by means of the formation of rifted crust all alongside the axis of the longer term Atlantic, from Greenland to Mexico. In japanese North the USA, 9 significant rift basins, commonly half-graben, and several other minor basins are uncovered from Nova Scotia to South Carolina, with many extra buried under the coastal undeniable and continental shelf (Figure 1.1). The uncovered rift basins, which heavily keep on with the fashion of the Appalachian orogen, full of hundreds of thousands of meters of continental sediments and basalt flows over a interval of roughly forty five million years. Diabase plutons and dikes, it sounds as if coeval with the basalt flows, broadly intruded and metamorphosed pre-existing strata. The faulted, tilted, and eroded rift strata are termed the Newark Supergroup (Van Houten, 1977; Olsen, 1978; Froelich and Olsen, 1984).

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