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Magnetic fields permeate our monstrous universe, urging electrically charged debris on their classes, powering sun and stellar flares, and focusing the serious job of pulsars and neutron stars.

Magnetic fields are present in each nook of the cosmos. for many years, astrophysicists have pointed out them by means of their results on seen gentle, radio waves, and x-rays. J. B. Zirker summarizes our deep wisdom of magnetism, pointing to what's but unknown approximately its astrophysical functions.

In transparent, nonmathematical prose, Zirker follows the path of magnetic exploration from the auroral belts of Earth to the farthest reaches of area. He courses readers on a desirable trip of discovery to appreciate how magnetic forces are created and the way they form the universe. He offers the ancient historical past had to savor fascinating new learn via introducing readers to the good scientists who've studied magnetic fields.

Students and novice astronomers alike will get pleasure from the readable prose and finished insurance of The Magnetic Universe.

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