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By Martin Riesebrodt

Why has faith continued around the process human historical past? Secularists have anticipated the top of religion for a very long time, yet religions proceed to draw fans. in the meantime, students of faith have extended their box to such an volume that we lack a simple framework for making experience of the chaos of spiritual phenomena. To therapy this situation, Martin Riesebrodt the following undertakes a job that's instantaneously easy and huge: to outline, comprehend, and clarify faith as a common concept.

Instead of propounding summary theories, Riesebrodt concentrates at the concrete realities of worship, studying spiritual vacation trips, conversion tales, prophetic visions, and life-cycle occasions. In studying those practices, his scope is properly large, making an allowance for traditions in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Daoism, and Shinto. eventually, Riesebrodt argues, all religions promise to ward off misfortune, aid their fans deal with crises, and convey either transitority advantages and everlasting salvation. And, as The Promise of Salvation makes transparent via ample empirical facts, faith won't disappear so long as those delivers proceed to aid humans deal with life.

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