Download E-books The Sovereign All-Creating Mind-The Motherly Buddha: A Translation of Kun Byed Rgyal Po'I Mdo (S U N Y Series in Buddhist Studies) PDF

By E. K. Neumaier-Dargyay

What distinguishes this Buddhist textual content from such a lot of others is the timelessness of its principles. It constitutes a thorough try towards deconstructing Buddhist philosophy, and offers a feminist standpoint on Buddhist spirituality. The textual content holds that being is the heart and intensity of life, and is hence available in daily adventure. The fleeting life (samsara) is in its intensity being, i.e. a nation of whole integration (nirvana) which could good be defined as divine fact of a female size
This e-book provides the 1st English translation of an 8th century Tibetan Buddhist textual content. regardless of its centuries-old beginning, the kun byed rgyal po'i mdo addresses subject matters of serious situation to the current, together with easy methods to in achieving a holistic world-view that integrates the peripheral nature of lifestyles with the floor of being; and the interrelatedness of outer edge and heart, of person and universe. From a modern standpoint this is obvious to engender a feminist realizing of the floor of being. in contrast to different Buddhist texts, the kun byed rgyal po'i mdo invitations the reader to have a good time during this global as beautified and intelligible, and hence the innate purity of the clever efficiency, the motherly Buddha, might be skilled.
In addition to the interpretation, the ebook additionally contains a dialogue of the conceptual and ancient contexts of the textual content, an exam of its best principles, and an overview of the demanding situations relating to the interpretation.

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